We all know that leadership is a 24/7 calling. But during times of crisis, everything changes, including how we lead. What impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on how you lead?

Pastor June Barrow
I have learned how much we all love being together. True, I am a unique daughter of God no matter where I am or who I am with, but I love being one of the multitude of daughters of God. The collective “we”—the Body of Christ, our congregation, the gatherings of women, the Great Banquet reunion groups—all of these groups I blend with matter to me and anchor me in my identity as a follower of Jesus. I may learn to order groceries online, visit my doctor via telemedicine, and borrow library books electronically, but I still want church to be church, with all of us gathering, meeting, talking, laughing, and sharing together.

Pastor Steven Grant
I have heard it said, “We win with what we have.” That is, we accomplish our goals with what resources we do have rather than be hindered by what we don’t have. When challenges arise, we continue to shepherd our people as we were called to do with the resources God has provided, namely Zoom and telephones, online worship and livestreaming, emails, and even in some cases face-to-face encounters with appropriate distancing. We will not be prevented from fulfilling our ministry! trusting in God’s purpose and looking expectantly toward what good God will bring out of these times, we creatively persevere.

Pastor Su Kim
A guiding verse for leadership in my life has been Mark 10:45, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” So, while the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many changes, how I lead has remained the same: following Christ’s example of servanthood. Serving others in this time has meant keeping my distance and staying in touch—keeping my distance physically to help keep others safe and staying in touch through various means to keep connected.

Pastor Brad Rogers
“How does one lead when there is no map to consult?” This is the central question that undergirds my doctoral program. COVID-19’s blitz of our world has provided a forced context to experiment with what I have been learning. As an associate, I am grateful for the privilege of observing Doug (and our whole team!) throughout this time. In addition, I have leveraged this challenge to imagine what it would take for me to lead in a senior leadership position. Completely candidly, I have learned more about what I have yet to learn through my own stumbles than through anything I have done right.

Pastor Allen Walworth
This crisis, like all crises, causes me to rethink and reprioritize how I lead, and how I live. During this season in particular, I have found myself focusing on the strengths of others around me and the ways I can lean on that strength since no one of us can accomplish alone what God wants us to do for Him. So, I have been leaning more intently on God’s presence and care, leaning more gratefully upon the creative team of pastors with whom I serve, and leaning on the gifts of technology that connect us during this disconnected season.

Another Perspective
“It is very easy to get used to a process that is working well and feel comfortable in our job or role. But when something unexpected happens to change our normal routine, the consequence can easily become panic. The wonderful thing about leading for Christ is that we don’t have to carry the weight of all the burdens. Pressure is an opportunity for refinement, but only if I run to Him during the crisis. While this unprecedented situation has certainly been unlike any other, God’s faithfulness remains the same.
“In Communications, we had to throw out almost everything that was comfortable and working and create a new game plan. This logically could have been a stressful time, but we chose to follow the leadership of Christ and run to our heavenly Father for direction, strength, and peace. We experienced fresh creativity, new levels of collaboration, and joy—because we surrendered our plans, our fears, and even our processes, to Him.”

– Michaela Carson
Director of Communications