by Shannon Bream >> God always keeps His promises, but not always in the way we expect. Journalist and former attorney Shannon Bream examines the lives of biblical women to see how God’s plans can turn our worlds upside down. She tells the story of Jochebed, a mother who took enormous risks to protect her son, Moses, from Pharaoh. She talks about Rebekah, who made terrible choices to ensure her son’s place in history. And a daughter, Michal, who struggled to keep her faithless father, Saul, from sin while battling pride in herself.

Through these stories, Shannon explains the intimate connection between faith and family—and how God’s unexpected plan can redefine the way we think about family. Not all of these mothers and daughters in the Bible were paragons of virtue. Like us, they were human beings who faltered and struggled to do their best. While some heard God’s voice, others chose their own paths. Through the lens of their imperfections, we can see how God used their stories to bring about His divine plans. He’s still doing the same work in our lives today.