Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. –Psalm 95:1

As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, let us keep in mind that He is the Rock. He is the only One we can fully depend upon because our salvation was given to us through His birth, death and resurrection. So, why shouldn’t we shout aloud in joy for God’s amazing gift of Jesus Christ? Think on that for a moment! Isn’t this exactly what this Scripture is telling us to do?

Since my youth, singing has been a constant joy of mine. I have sung in many church and community choirs. When we moved to Florida five years ago, my husband and I started attending First Church; however, I decided not to join the choir because I wanted to sit with my husband in the congregation. He had been a choir widower for over four decades. During our second year at First Church and after singing Handel’s Alleluia from my seat in the congregation at Christmas, we both decided I should join the choir again. I needed to “sing for joy to the Lord” in my own way and that was as a choir member.

Singing God’s praises does fill our soul because it allows us to verbalize what we feel in our heart. Next time you sing, concentrate on the words. Does singing fill your soul with the goodness of God’s love and grace? Does it fill your soul with the longing of knowing Jesus more than you already do? Are you ready to shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation? Let us sing to Jesus Christ, whose birth we are celebrating in this season of life.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I pray that You will open my heart, mind, and soul to fully come to You with a loud voice to praise You in the highest. Your Son’s birth was a true gift and shows the immense love that You have for me. Jesus came to live, die, and be resurrected to give me eternal life. This is the reason I want to take the words of Psalm 95:1 to heart and praise You forever and ever. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen!

-Margie Zenor