by Pastor Steven Grant

Jesus taught as part of His Sermon on the Mount, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life…” (Matthew 6:25, ESV). This may seem very difficult to do, especially in times such as we are now experiencing. Jesus is teaching us much more about the God we love and worship than He is about us. Jesus continued by encouraging us to consider birds and flowers, and to remember how much more valuable we are than they. Jesus assures us that God is so intimately involved with His creation that He even makes sure that birds have food to eat and that flowers are a miracle of beauty. So, is it not possible that our God will be able to help us, sustain us, and love us through any challenge we might face?

Try to imagine the fear and anxiety the followers of Jesus must have felt on that first Good Friday. The One in whom they placed all their hope and faith was being crucified before them. And yet by quoting the first line of Psalm 22 (“My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”), Jesus was in fact invoking the whole Psalm. As you read the entire Psalm, notice the truth that has been often preached by many others since: “It is Good Friday, but Easter Sunday is coming!”

May you all be well and joyous in the Lord!

Almighty God, calm my anxious heart. Fill me with that peace that passes all understanding. Enable me to glorify You even in how I respond to our current crisis and by the trust I place in You. You, O Lord, are worthy of that trust, of all our faith and worship. Glory to You, O God, my Rock and my Fortress! I pray in the victorious Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen.