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Walt Larimore MD, a graduate of Duke Medical School, is an author, a medical journalist, and experienced family physician. He has appeared numerous times on radio, tv, and online, including on Fox’s Health Network and Focus on the Family radio. In addition, Dr. Walt has written practical medical books, including The Habits of Highly Healthy People, Fit Over Fifty and The Natural Medicine Handbook. He also has a great gift for writing, and has published personal memoirs of his experiences in family practice (first in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina, and then in a small ranching community in central Florida), along with three historical novels set in Appalachia. His most recent books are The Best Medicine and The Best Gift—a variation on Garrison Keillor’s Lake Wobegon stories with a spiritual perspective.

Pastor Doug will moderate this “chat with the author.” Visit the BookCenter to purchase his books, and join us for this interesting conversation.