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Prayers for the Journey
In an over-noisy world, we need quiet to hear the voice of God. In an age of shallow connections, we need to know God more deeply. In an over-busy world, we need more stillness. Into our hurried lives comes the voice of Jesus, who says, “Come away to a quiet place and rest” (Mark 6:31).

Join Pastor June Barrow for a half-day retreat with simple teaching, private prayer, and quiet reflection. You will find a space where you can be:

  • quieted to hear the Lord speak to you;
  • emboldened to speak your private prayers to a loving God;
  • encouraged in your spiritual journey;
  • challenged by the call of Scripture.

Register by calling the Spiritual Development Center (239-221-8250) or email dtemple@fpcbonita.org. Bring your Bible and a notebook or journal; $10 (payable at the door) includes lunch and other materials.