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Christian in America: The Failures and Faithfulness of our Fathers
Many people today are asking what it means to be Christian in America. We regularly hear about the flaws of our founding, especially slavery and the legacy of racism it left behind. No doubt, many of our forefathers were deeply flawed, and our country’s history is marred by their failure to live up to its founding precepts. But what posture should we take towards our country’s history and particularly the role of Christianity in its founding? Does acknowledging our Christian roots make us White Christian Nationalists, as some might say? What should we make of the ideas behind the 1619 Project, which argues that America’s actual founding is rooted in the slave trade? How should we assess the life and work of our nation’s key historical leaders?

At this year’s Faith in the Public Square conference, we will explore these questions and more. Join us for Christian in America: The Failures and Faithfulness of our Fathers to be equipped to graciously navigate these issues in the Church and in the world.

Purchase Tickets ($15)
Early bird registration through March 1; use code EARLYBIRD for $5 off