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Join us as we come together to pray for the crisis in Ukraine and Russia. A self-guided prayer sheet will be available.

We have seen the utter destruction of Ukrainian residential areas, schools, and hospitals and the terror that civilians are facing in their own homes, streets, and bomb shelters. Please pray for God’s protection over innocent lives and that He grants them strength in these days of trial and heartbreak.

We have seen the bravery and deep patriotism exhibited by Ukrainian soldiers and civilians alike as they witness their country being torn apart. Please pray for all those fighting on behalf of Ukraine independence, the future of their country, and their families.

There is no safe place as bombs continue to rain down on Mariupol, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Kherson, Odesa, and all the cities and towns in between. Please pray for the millions of Ukrainian refugees and for the neighboring countries taking them in. Pray that humanitarian corridors be established and that the countries of the world unite to provide aid and asylum.

Please pray for God’s wisdom over every global leader. May God cover that region with His peace.