“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2

God never meant for us to live life alone; we need the love and care of others as much as others need the same from us. “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased” (Hebrews 13:16).

A practical way to remember to do good is to ask God daily for specific ways in which to serve and share with others throughout each day.

The year I began to serve as an Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church (2005), I was introduced to the love, care, and generosity of the members and friends of the church. That was the year Hurricane Katrina landed on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama on August 29. Over 1,800 people died, and the monster storm caused an estimated $108 billion in damage. First Church raised funds and sent ten members and friends as relief teams to help the recovery efforts.

Over the years, I have found this loving and caring response to our neighbors in need, both near and far, as evidence of God’s kingdom DNA in First Church. The most recent example is the response to Hurricane Ian which made landfall in Naples, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Sanibel, and Pine Island on September 28, 2022. The Category Five storm killed 150 people and caused an estimated $113 billion in damage. First Church members and friends immediately responded by raising substantial funds to address the needs of members, friends, and neighbors impacted by the storm. elder Dave Nichols led a First Church Ian Relief Team to receive requests, evaluate and confirm the needs, and propose a response plan. The team also contacted and contributed funds to local and national organizations involved in the Ian relief.

I was privileged to be one of the First Church Ian Relief Team members. All the team members have stories to share of their visits to families who requested help from our church and the response made possible by the love, care, and generosity of First Church members and friends. Let me share a few stories: One of my first visits was to a couple who had been Bonita Springs residents for many years. The wife had served as a Parish Nurse and responded to the health needs at one of our community churches. Their home had been flooded with 3 feet of water resulting in the need to remove drywall, cabinets, appliances, the air conditioner, and furniture. They planned to reconstruct and refurnish their home, but they needed help to rent a home in which to live while they rebuilt their own. First Church saw the need and helped with the rental cost. They were very thankful. We also helped another Bonita Springs couple who had lived in their home for 50 years and experienced seven feet of flooding. Fortunately, they were able to escape to their second floor and survive. This dear couple tried to live on their second floor above the destruction while they took time to evaluate and make decisions about their options. However, our Ian Relief Team decided this couple needed a safe place to recover, away from the nightmare of the storm and destruction. The team helped them find an apartment, paid the rent, and gave them a place of refuge while they decided on their future. Today, they have recovered wonderfully thanks to your generosity toward others in need.

I also enjoyed visiting with a retired Vietnam military veteran and his wife in Bonita Springs. She had been an addiction counselor for many years. They have nine children, 25 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Wow! They lost their carport during Ian. The carport was required by their HOA, but their Social Security gave them no margin for such an expense. The Ian Relief Team helped them decide on a contractor and pay for their new carport. It was such a joyous relief for this couple. A thank you card expressed their gratitude to First Church members and friends for helping them through a difficult time.

There are many more heartwarming stories. First Church has received 72 Ian relief requests since the storm, and our team has completed the resolution of 66 of those requests—each a special story. According to Lana Myers, Pastor Brad’s administrative assistant who has kept our Ian Relief Team organized, the number of people First Church helped is much higher. We helped many people with meals, transportation, furniture, clothing, and other household items from First Thrift.

Because of your love, care, and generosity, First Church has been able to help individuals, families, and relief organizations with nearly $400,000 in grants. Keep it up, dear friends. You are fulfilling the Scriptures referenced above.

by Pastor Emeritus Paul Fahnestock

Paul Fahnestock is pastor emeritus of First Presbyterian Church who served as an associate pastor from 2005-2015. He and his wife Linda continue to live in Bonita Springs and worship at First Church. Their ministry focus is with New International as members of the leadership team of a Brazilian sign language Bible translation project.