Dear Members and Friends of First Church,
We culminated the winter “season” with a joyous celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord on easter Sunday. The following weekend, we celebrated all that the Lord has done over the last 20 years during which Pastor emeritus Doug Pratt served as First Church’s fourth Senior Pastor. Reflecting on the impact of Pastor Doug’s ministry is both humbling and uplifting.

It is humbling because of his exceptional legacy and uplifting because our church continues to belong to God, “our help in ages past, and hope for years to come.” I sincerely thank the Lord for the two decades of Pastor Doug’s leadership and for the leadership of all clergy, staff, and saints who have built upon the firm foundation of the chief Cornerstone, Christ Jesus our Lord.

This spring and summer will be a time of renewal and new beginnings, not only because our staff and leaders catch their breath after a blistering winter season but also because of some exciting developments for our pastoral team. After 16 years of installed pastoral service, the Session (the church’s board of elders) unanimously agreed to provide a six-week sabbatical to Pastor Steven Grant. From April 22 through June 1, Pastor Steven will be immersing himself in God’s Word and prayer, reflecting on his ministry career thus far, and renewing his commitment to the Lord. In addition, Pastor Steve Clark will begin a Doctor of Ministry degree program at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, for which he will travel to California from May 29 to June 5.

The second quarter will be an exciting time of mission and ministry opportunities. Director of Missions Trusha Barner will lead a team of individuals to visit First Church’s mission partner, Compassion International, in the Dominican Republic May 1-6. Those who sponsor children through the DR program will meet and greet their Compassion children during this trip. Further, Pastor Steve Clark and an intergenerational team of leaders will be shepherding middle and high school students on a mission trip to South Carolina through Fuge Camps June 9-15. Last year, the mission trip served as a catalyst in the spiritual lives and relationships of the students. We invite you to pray for our students’ continued spiritual growth through this year’s trip. Moreover, the Family Ministry department, under the leadership of Children’s Ministry Coordinator Kim Brodie, will offer vacation Bible School June 17-21 for preschool and elementary-age children.

Finally, I want to extend my gratitude to the congregation for the generous support of the Annual Stewardship Campaign and, in particular, the Pastoral Leadership Development Fund which will serve as a revenue generating fund to assist in educating and mentoring pastors who will shepherd the church our children and grandchildren attend. Your prayerful and sacrificial giving is humbling, and our commitment is to steward God’s resources faithfully while building his kingdom. It continues to be my great joy and privilege to serve as your pastor along with the truly exceptional team of pastors, staff, and leaders of First Church. May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Brad Rogers