What a blessed morning it was in mid-March when I opened the door to my condo and found a pack of toilet paper sitting on the welcome mat. My neighbor had been one of those fortunate people to find some and was willing to share! During the pandemic, it seemed the country was full of those who decided it was important to find as much toilet paper as they could, for the purpose of keeping it to themselves.

In 2 Kings 7:3-11, we read the story of four lepers caught between a famine-stricken city and an enemy encampment. In their desperation, they decided to wander into the abandoned enemy camp and did what desperate people do. They began to hoard, to gorge themselves, and to take and hide the treasures they found. But in a moment of clarity, they uttered these words in verse 9, “What we’re doing is not right. This is a day of good news and we are keeping it to ourselves.” They understood that the resources they had been given by God needed to be shared.

At First Church, we believe strongly in the power of networking, the development of partnerships, and the godly mandate of sharing resources. First Missions is no exception; we strive to disseminate what others are doing well with those that may benefit from that resource.

Romans 12:13 tells us: “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Just like our parents and teachers taught us growing up, may we always remember the importance of sharing—especially God’s resources!

by Trusha Barner, Director of Missions