First Church mission partners are always grateful for our support. Below are just a few personal notes from where they stand in the mission field.

Level of Influence
We have been able to share food, water, and the gospel with hundreds of desperate families throughout Northern Thailand deeply affected by the impact of COVID-19. If it wasn’t for our partnership with First Church, we would not have had this level of influence. Thank you to all of you… for making this possible.
Kyle & Stacia Christensen, Thailand

Strong Winds Blew
Campus life has not been easy during COVID-19, with many students cut off from their families and financial support. The pandemic has disrupted the food chain and caused spiraling costs. Because of a locust problem, crops in northern Kenya have been ravaged. But in answer to prayer, strong winds blew the locusts out to sea. God does have a plan in all of this, and we are so grateful that you are a part of that plan!
Christian Leaders for Africa, Kenya

An Answer to Prayer
Recently we received a generous gift from a member of your church for emergency relief. It was an answer to prayer. During a five-month nationwide state of emergency to curb the spread of the pandemic, many have been unable to work or travel and educational institutions (including Light of Hope village schools) have been shut down. Our teachers and Bible translators remain ready to support local families—both Christian and Muslim—with food packets, hygiene kits, and emergency medical supplies.
Light of Hope Ministry, Ethiopia

The Face of God
Throughout this pandemic, we have seen God’s hand at work, transforming scarcity into abundance in so many ways. There is still a lot to be done, but I have witnessed the blessings that come through people working together, not for their own needs, but for the needs of others. Even though we wear masks while serving on Fridays, we can still see the smiles in each other’s eyes and witness to the Peniel (face of God) presence among us.
Misión Peniel, Southwest Florida

Only One Choice
The years to come will be painful and severe on people. How-ever we cling to our call amid difficulties. We have only one choice—to stay—to stand by our people and use this challenge to be the Church of Christ. Yet, we know that we are not alone. God is walking with us, and our partner churches are also.
The Outreach Foundation, Syria

A Well-timed Gift
What a tremendous blessing your recent donation was. We will get the funds to Potter’s House as soon as we can; they will use it well in response to those they serve. COVID-19 rates are spiking here with the threat of a 15-day total lockdown, so your generosity was extremely well-timed. May God bless you.
PEER Servants/Potter’s House, Guatemala

We Will Never Know
We live in a country of 11 million people and only 120 ICU beds. Personal space is an endangered species and sanitation is a work in progress. There have been some scary days. Plus, Haiti is experiencing a historic drought. Churches and schools closed, and people needed water. We switched our construction crews to accelerating drinking water and irrigation projects. We will never know how much our efforts helped COVID-19 prevention, but it doesn’t matter. The only things that are still clear are that people need water, they need food, and they especially need Jesus.
Bruce & Deb Robinson, Haiti

A Trying Season
The empirical experience and history of the Church has proven time and time again that the Body of Christ grows exponentially under pressure. We are going through a trying season of various kinds of pressure and it’s not just the pandemic. The foreboding feeling of uncertainty and the ominous signs of a possible future with persecution for the church in the Western world—that’s what I’m talking about. The entire world is being shaken just like we read in Hebrews 12:26-27. God is doing something special for the removal of all things that can be shaken, so that what cannot be shaken may remain.
Dimitrie Todorov, Bulgaria