“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” –John 14:27

Christian churches celebrate the season of Advent in December, a time of anticipation for Christmas Day. But what is this all about?

Even before December arrives we cannot escape the constant barrage of media that reminds us of the season and all we must do to prepare for Christmas Day. We are consumed with shopping, buying presents, going to parties, listening to Christmas music, preparing special foods, making plans to visit friends and family, and decorating our homes and yards with lights. With this bombardment of sights, sounds, and smells dominating every thought of our waking hours, do we ever stop to think about what started all of this? What are we celebrating? Has this holiday become an invention of consumer trade and advertisements, a storybook fantasy about Santa Claus and sugarplum fairies? What are we looking forward to and what do we hope to experience on Christmas Day that consumes so much of our time and energy?

A tradition in my family is to attend a church service on Christmas Eve. Along with singing carols, the Christmas story is usually read straight from the Bible, the age-old story of the birth of Jesus. Usually exhausted and with preparations for tomorrow yet facing me, I struggle to sit and listen. Would it be possible for me to put aside these distractions and reflect in awe and wonder on the profound impact of the birth of this Man who has moved civilizations and changed the world, bringing with Him the message of my redemption and salvation?

On Christmas Eve, we are reminded of our most precious Christmas gift. It is not found in ribbon-wrapped packages or in stockings hung by the chimney with care. It is God’s gift of Jesus Christ. He reveals to us His sweet message and promises us a deep sense of well-being and peace, regardless of the confusion of the world in which we live or the chaos in our personal lives. Will I take time this year to better know this amazing Man who came to the world on Christmas Day in humble circumstances to tell us His Good News?

-Sally Robson