In a population of roughly 70 million with less than 1% Christian, ministering full-time in Thailand has been the goal and dream for my family since 2016. We planned to be in the field by July 2021 and everything was going according to plan—until COVID-19 hit. Initially, we stayed the course by continuing to raise support, attending extensive missionary training, and preparing to leave in July 2021. However, as the pandemic continued, it became increasingly clear that our departure would be delayed.

The Bible says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life” (Proverbs 13:12). Many people all around the world have had their hopes deferred, and as the proverb teaches, human beings can bear frustration only for so long. And yet, hope for my family was not deferred. We certainly were disappointed, even confused, but ultimately our hope is not in our calling; our hope is in the One who has called us.

Though the timing and circumstances of our calling have changed, the One who has called does not change, and that gives us great hope. Serving at First Church has been a great blessing for my entire family, more than we could have dared to imagine. We are grateful to be able to continue to serve and to be a part of this church family.

With the disruption of this past year, has God changed your call or given you a new call? Take courage and comfort in the One who has called you, the One who never changes.

by Pastor Su Kim