Building a foundation for worship begins when a child first enters the world and the family and church community partner together. We see infants attend worship services with  their parents, and on other occasions, we meet these little ones for the first time when we commit to support them and their families at their baptism. Older students are part of our weekly worship services, learning to participate as they develop and grow. (See related article on page 16.) Family Worship Sundays bring children to the forefront in our worship service as they actively engage in a children’s message created especially for them. The congregation receives an appetizer for the sermon, and our little ones experience the benefit of worshiping within a church community.

Another opportunity for children to participate in corporate worship is through the Chapel services offered every Monday and Tuesday at 9AM (August through May). During this thirty-minute service in CenterPoint, children as young as two begin to worship God through faith principles they can understand. Praise songs, Bible stories, and a monthly memory verse all serve to form their understanding of worship and a relationship with Jesus.

In the Fall of 2021, we opened Chapel services to our community in the hope that we might help more children grow in their faith. We invite local families with preschool-age children and encourage them to worship with us each week. All church members are welcome to attend and to invite any family who might benefit from worshiping alongside other families. Those who join us witness the seeds being planted and partner in our vow to help children grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Worship during our Chapel service impacts the spiritual life and faith formation of the youngest children in our community. Families consistently prioritize attending Chapel with their children. Chapel allows parents to praise God alongside their little ones while they learn or refresh their own Bible knowledge. This intentional time provides practical  examples for parents to mirror the conversations about God’s Word and to worship Him within their homes.

During Chapel services, children also have the unique opportunity to engage with our First Church pastors and staff as they share weekly Bible stories. Chapel provides a familiar connection for these families to participate in other First Church ministries, activities, and Sunday services. This child-friendly service provides biblical truths that parents and preschool staff can build upon throughout the week.

As of February 2023, children have learned seven memory verses through our Chapel services. There is great joy in knowing these children are hiding God’s Word in their hearts at such a young age! It will make you smile when you hear a child enthusiastically shout, “this is my favorite song,” as they begin to sing, “He’s a good, good friend… I want to be like Him!” We see the impact of teaching our children to worship when they arrive at Wonder Years, asking, “Is it Chapel day?” We are overjoyed with their excitement and expectation of worshiping God and pray this positive experience will carry through the years as they grow on their faith journey.

As you can see, Chapel services and Family Worship Sundays help children grow in their relationship with Jesus while helping them develop a sense of community and belonging within their faith. It teaches them how to worship and participate in traditional Christian practices. When we involve young children in worship services, we enable them to ask questions, explore their beliefs, and deepen their understanding, and it allows us to support their faith journey.

by Family Ministries Director Sheila Sierts