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A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
by Eugene Peterson
From Pastor Allen Walworth:
Based on his reflections and insights from the Psalms (the worship handbook and hymnal of the Bible), Peterson calls readers to slow down, unplug, release their obsession with the immediate, and to instead go on a pilgrimage of rediscovering worship, service, joy, work, happiness, and blessing.

Gentle and Lowly
by Dane Ortlund
From Pastor June Barrow:
Gentle and Lowly focuses on the extraordinary kindness and mercy of Jesus. Our culture trains us to expect harshness and judgment from every corner and  everyone, including God. This book honors the full authority and power of Jesus (the Bible says God the Father has entrusted all judgment to Jesus) but reminds us of the profound mercy and understanding that Jesus offers and which we need.

Knowing God
by J.I. Packer
From Pastor Steven Grant:
The most significant source of inspiration to live a life of worship is to get to know as intimately as possible the One who is the object of our worship. The more we  now God—not just know about Him—the more our worship of Him becomes naturally spontaneous, free-flowing, and genuine. J. I. Packer’s Knowing God has been the most significant blessing for me in this regard. Paul David Tripp wrote, “If there is one book that every Christian should read alongside the Bible, it is this book.” I could not have said it better!

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Sacred Pathways
by Gary Thomas
From Pastor Steve Clark:
In Sacred Pathways, author Gary Thomas reflects on the different ways Christians naturally connect with God. Thomas argues that a Christian’s devotional life can vary based on how God has designed each individual. He invites readers to consider enhancing their relationship with God by tuning into the various ways He has wired them. This book offers great help for those who might feel a bit distant from God, those who find maintaining a daily prayer life challenging, and those who are trying to grow closer in their relationship with Him.

The Seamless Life: A Tapestry of Love and Learning, Worship and Work
by Steven Garber
From Sacred Arts Director Jeff Faux:
As Christians we tend to create separation between the spiritual and the secular in our lives. Is it possible that God is calling us to a more coherent life? When we let our job simply occupy our time, we miss the joy of a vocation, a calling by God to organically live out our beliefs, values, and character so that God shines through us. Through reflective storytelling and pictures, Garber beautifully encourages readers to seamlessly unite the holy and the ordinary to form an extraordinary life of worship that is not overly pious but tuned to God’s plan for us and the world.

You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit 
by James K. A. Smith
From Pastor Brad Rogers:
God perfectly designed the human heart for worship. If we are not worshiping God, we are worshiping something else. In You Are What You Love, Smith teaches  that every one of us worships what we conclude offers us the hope of happiness, flourishing, and pleasure. The object of that hope captures our hearts and forms our habits. Christian worship re-forms us by directing our deepest loves and longings toward God. When proper worship shapes our hearts, our virtue follows. This book is intended for those who long to practice what they preach and for the virtue to match their faith.

Soul Keeping: Caring for the Most Important Part of You
by John Ortberg

From Pastor Doug Pratt:
In 2014 John Ortberg wrote Soul Keeping, a book I found shortly after it was published and one that has greatly impacted me since. Ortberg talks about the soul  as our deepest inner self. This book, especially chapters 6 through 8, helped me understand the personal and intimate relationship with God I was created for and how to nurture and grow that relationship by how I live my daily life, not just my daily devotional time.