The Single Direction Ministry at First Church is a vibrant ministry designed to bring together a community of individuals in a “single” season of life. Our mission is to foster social connections, promote well-being, and provide personal and spiritual growth opportunities. We offer a welcoming environment where those who are alone can connect, build meaningful relationships, and deepen their faith.

Worshiping as a solo congregant can be a unique experience and we understand its challenges. The fear of being the “only one without a companion” can make gatherings feel lonely and lead some individuals to retreat. At Single Direction, we believe isolation, loneliness, and exclusion have no place in our church. The Single Direction Ministry is a long-standing tradition at First Church, working in collaboration with other ministries to help individuals navigate the challenges of being single. From providing pew companions during Sunday service to facilitating small group prayer and reflection, organizing educational and cultural events, and hosting shared meals and celebratory gatherings tailored to the unique needs of singles, we are committed to offering a supportive environment.

Our ministry desires that solo parishioners feel the warmth of a community walking along through a similar season of life. For anyone needing community, there are always people to worship and connect with. Like-minded members of our community make it easy for singles to fully engage in enriching experiences and form lasting friendships here at First Church. Regardless of one’s path of singlehood, everyone has a place in our ministry.

Visit us at First Stop on Sundays and join us in building a community where no one feels left out. For more information, email Carol Townsend at