Second Timothy 2:2 tells us: “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

Christian disciplines are what mold us to become reliable people. Christian disciplines are tools to maintain a connection to Christ and have a solid foundation amid an unstable world. By engaging our hearts and minds with God, we can also share what he is teaching us with others.

Missionaries are certainly familiar with the instabilities of life. They face many of the same daily tasks we do—raising a family, paying bills, grocery shopping, etc. However, they do these things with the added weight of an unfamiliar culture and a foreign language. Needless to say, Christian disciplines are vital to their spiritual well-being. Of course, our culture and worldview affect how we practice these disciplines. As missionaries make disciples cross-culturally, they must discern the best way to teach disciplines to those who do not have the same Western worldview or framework. Sharing with the locals takes a lot of reliance upon God and a commitment to grow in grace.

We asked First Church partner missionaries how they are growing in intimacy with God through Christian disciplines to do what God has called them to do. Here are some responses:

  • I try to take a Sabbath every Sunday.
  • I continue to begin my days with Jesus, in his Word and in prayer. My favorite time of the day! The Lord is also speaking to me through dreams and times of prayer. God meets me in those morning (and other) times, speaking fresh things through his Word and stirring me with the joy and peace of his presence.
  • We read the Bible or a Bible-based devotional most days. We start each day by asking God to provide us with what we need to honor, enjoy, love, and delight in him, and collaborate with what he is doing to build his kingdom. We end the day sharing with each other what we are grateful for and thank God for those things.
  • In addition to daily devotionals, I really enjoy spending an extended time at a local prayer garden weekly.
  • Personal time in prayer and study of the Word is a priority. At times, I use a Bible study if I have one, or I read a book. I have been challenged in my heart to pray on all occasions and not just at set times. As I go about the day, I try to be in communion with the Holy Spirit.
  • This year I focused on learning to hear from God more clearly and more often. “Waiting on the Lord” has really worked to increase intimacy. We now spend much
    more quiet time before the Lord, listening to what he says through the Word and the Holy Spirit directly to our spirit.
  • A morning devotional time is a priority for me.
  • We find that taking time to rest and get away is essential for our well-being. We live in a narrow valley with high cliff walls. On weekends, we often drive up the zig-zag roads 25 minutes to the top. There we can see for miles and we feel such peace. We sit on a bench, eat a picnic, and soak it all in. Those are definitely “How Great Thou Art” moments and they are soul-restoring!
  • My intimacy with God can never be good enough. We are human beings, and we always strive to do better. I can only compare myself to myself from last year. I ask myself, “Am I in closer intimacy with God this year than last? Do I trust him more or less? Do I love his church more or less?”
  • I praise God for the uncertainties and inconveniences in my life because each time they have brought me closer to him. I spend more time in prayer and Scriptures, and my faith and trust in God have grown. Spending time in prayer and the Scriptures gives me strength.

I am so grateful for the reliable people around the globe with whom First Church partners. They are living out their faith and teaching others to trust and grow in God.

by Trusha Barner, Director of Missions