For five years now the deacons have inspired our church to be involved in the Red Kettle Campaign. Beginning the day after Thanksgiving and volunteering through Christmas Eve, we partner with the Salvation Army at local grocery stores in Bonita Springs to give our time so others can give from their hearts. For many, this has become a family tradition bringing closeness among the generations. When the generosity of the volunteers is paired with the generosity of our community, it makes for a remarkable representation of Christ’s love. Each person the Salvation Army can help, because of us, is one more answered prayer… one more miracle.

Acts 2:45-47 describes the early church, this new community of believers, saying they “shared money with those in need…shared their meals with great joy and generosity—all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people” (NLT). What a beautiful picture of the unity, compassion and generosity we have the privilege to be a part of each year.