In each Epistle, this column features a single question to which our pastors are asked to reply. It is usually connected to the issue’s theme and crafted to reveal the unique personalities and experiences of our beloved leaders.

Share with us a time when you experienced God’s healing on a deep level or witnessed it in someone else. 

Pastor June Barrow
Certainly, the most personal story of healing for me is my husband, Al. Diagnosed with stage IV renal cell carcinoma five years ago, the prognosis was grim. He is in excellent health today! Yes, we had fine doctors, and we also had armies of praying people supporting us. Thank you, Lord! Another favorite memory for me is the healing of a marriage. For two years, I spoke regularly with a lovely woman about her husband’s restlessness. Finally, she consented to the divorce he wanted. A few months after the divorce, the husband attended a Great Banquet men’s weekend. He called me early Monday morning after the weekend and requested an urgent meeting. He was shaky, tearful, and said over and over, “What have I done?” The Lord had clearly spoken to him. That was in April. The following December, they married again, in the presence of their two young adult sons, Al, and me. God can heal our bodies, our spirits, our relationships, our sorrows, our anxieties, our willful wanderings—all of it.

Pastor Steve Clark
“My mom died when I was five.” Whenever I tell my life story and testimony of my faith in Jesus, that is always the first sentence. But a subsequent sentence is always, “And I realized God was still good.” Losing my mom at a young age produced early doubts about God’s existence and goodness, as well as intense fears of death and loss. However, those same doubts and fears led me to ask sincere questions about faith and to recognize my deep need for Jesus—ultimately leading to the full realization of my faith in Him. The pain of losing my mom opened me to God’s surprising goodness in a way I don’t think I would have experienced otherwise; the very place where I first experienced deep hurt was the very place He planted a seed for my future healing, faith in Him, and call to ministry.

Pastor Steven Grant
The most dramatic example of healing I have personally witnessed is the physical healing experienced by my Uncle Paul. Not only was the physical healing of his body truly miraculous, but the providential nature of the timing and subsequent transformation of his faith proved to be a great witness to me during my teenage years. My uncle’s life had deteriorated to such an extent that he had made the decision to end his life with a new weapon he had purchased earlier in the day. It was a unique model, and the dealer did not have the correct bullets on hand, so my uncle’s end was delayed one day. That evening, a friend invited Uncle Paul to a prayer meeting that forever changed his life and eternity. God can truly heal both body and soul!

Pastor Doug Pratt
I have had several orthopedic surgeries in my life (Achilles tendon, hip, and knee), but the most rigorous one was repairing a torn rotator cuff in my dominant right arm several years ago. It was severely shredded and quite painful, but my surgeon did a masterful job using a new technology to tie it back together. The recovery included six weeks in a sling. (I had to learn to bathe, dress, and eat one-handed; I even preached a sermon with my arm in the sling!) My physical therapist was gentle enough that I was able to avoid intense pain while I did my exercises multiple times a day. Through the ordeal, I learned patience (waiting for the healing to be complete) and discipline (with the therapy). I also gained much greater sympathy for others in our church who go through similar surgeries. I still do stretches and exercises to keep my shoulder strong and avoid another injury. I’m grateful to the medical professionals who served me so well, and to the Lord for granting me healing.

Pastor Brad Rogers
Following the first day of my seminary preaching class, I cornered my professor with a burning question in my heart. “What am I to do if I’m terrified of public speaking?” I asked. The question clearly took him aback. He offered some sincere advice, but it did not alleviate my fear. For the first couple of years of ministry, unbeknownst to the congregation, I battled such anxiety about speaking that I would become physically ill. Still, I persevered. Then, I was invited to speak at a Great Banquet retreat. During the first training weekend (and through no fault of my own!), God placed me in front of my worst nightmare: speaking publicly without the lifeline of my manuscript. I sensed God was inviting me to trust in His faithfulness and I forged ahead with what I had prepared with no notes. As a result of that experience, the Lord healed my public speaking anxiety and I never returned to speaking with a manuscript. This, I believe, was the miraculous work of God who offered spiritual healing and demonstrated His strength in my weakness.

Pastor Allen Walworth
God is the ultimate life-giver, life-restorer, and lifesaver. Sometimes God heals our bodies, either through medicine and doctors, or beyond them. And God also heals the sicknesses that afflict our minds, our emotions, and our souls. I was recently moved to hear the testimony of Katherine Wolf, a young woman who suffered a severe stroke and the resulting brain injury. Although she survived the stroke and has regained some of her bodily functions, she bears witness to God’s healing of her broken spirit and redirecting of her life to serve others who live with profound physical and mental challenges.