I was frightened and anxious when I received the diagnosis that I had a large meningioma (a tumor that arises from the meninges). Knowing a craniotomy was necessary, I immediately began praying which evolved into an almost continual conversation with God. I soon felt a deep sense of peace and said aloud, “thy will be done,” as I knew God would be with me. I gathered beloved family and friends who also lifted me in prayer and included the surgeon and all who would be taking care of me. There were serious complications during the first post-op night. After I prayed that the proper help would materialize, it did. The surgeon returned to the hospital, which he was not known to do, and successfully took charge of the situation. I recovered completely after a few extra days in the hospital, and I believe God was in control, answering prayers the entire time.

Five years later, I was diagnosed with a second meningioma requiring another craniotomy. This time the tumor was much smaller but in a precarious position with potential problems that would require tremendous skill. The surgery was successful, and I experienced no complications. Once again, I believed that all would go well. I was aware of God’s presence, and I know He granted me miraculous healing and comfort.

I have included a prayer that I wrote in one of my devotionals after my surgery which expressed my deep gratitude for God’s healing and presence. My hope is that it serves as encouragement to those needing healing.


June 29, 2011 (13 days post-op)
“I have no doubt of Your presence, my precious Lord…

I am so filled with gratitude. I thank you for the loving expressions
of support and prayers which flow my way. I have never felt such
love! Thank you, thank you, Lord! Amen!”

by Lynn Lytle