A cancer diagnosis challenges you to question how you’ll handle uncertainty and whether your faith is strong enough. But just as God had walked me through past trials, I was sure He was holding me through this diagnosis. I felt a great desire to be more prayerful, and His presence kept me from feeling hopeless. God granted me an attitude to persevere and brought many caring, loving people to encourage me during the six weeks of radiation and chemotherapy. I sensed His plan for my life wasn’t finished, graciously giving me more time to serve Him.

One of the most touching acts came from a cancer survivor, a Christian sister, who shared a beautiful prayer that I prayed during my daily treatment over those six weeks. This became my uninterrupted time with God. I never felt closer to Him than during my therapy!

My physical healing, spiritual growth, and prayerful friends are my miracle. In His time, God worked everything for my good, empowered me with a new direction for life, and granted me the confidence to face the future. God used today’s knowledge and advancements to allow me to live longer. According to statistics, I should not be here, but by His grace, I am! He gave me brilliant medical professionals, loving and supportive family and friends, and a stronger commitment and desire to study His Word and to serve. Unexpectedly, He also brought Jim into my life and showed me that I could have joy again. God’s healing blessed me!

by Deacon Linda Gelhaar